Designed for writers of all levels, Mark’s online classes explore themes that awaken creative potential, promote psychological insight, and deepen spiritual awareness. They are intended to help individuals explore their inner world from the privacy of their home, while being part of a like-minded community.
Whether you are writing for publication, personal awakening, or both, these intimate and thought-provoking classes provide a safe environment for growth and exploration. Students are encouraged (but not required) to share their work with the class and join in the rich online dialogue. Participation in group dialogue is optional and anonymity is guaranteed.

“I recently finished an online writing course with Mark Matousek.
After 30 years of seeking, I found Mark to be someone who gently,
and consciously, offers feedback, teaching, and healing that gave me
permission to safely peer into my inner world. In six weeks the insights
and doors to deeper creative potential were wide open.”

~ Lisa Marie, USA

Upcoming Online Class

Lineage, Legacy, and Blood Relations

A Nine-Week Online Writing Class
March 17 – May 19, 2025

Uncover the Wisdom Passed Down to You Through Generations

Each of us exists on a family tree, connected by blood and lineage to the first people who walked the earth. We cannot escape our heritage any more than an apple can deny the tree. If memory exists in the blood, what lessons were you given at birth? Do you view your own heritage as positive or detrimental? What is the nature of your emotional and spiritual inheritance? How has this legacy shaped who you are and informed your personal narrative? In this nine-week online class, you’ll be guided through a series of thought-provoking lessons concerning legacy, origins, and family dynamics. By grasping the connection to your origins, and their effect on who you are today, self-awareness deepens tremendously along with the potential for happiness and meaning.

The Spiritual Power of Resilience
How to Stay Sane in Crazy Times
with Carolyn Myss

Four 90-minute live webinars
Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 18-27
1 pm ET / 10 am PT

In this four-part course, Mark Matousek offers time-tested principles for remaining balanced and sane in times of extreme adversity, change and emerging opportunities. Drawing on the wisdom of some of the most renowned writers throughout history, including Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Montaigne, and Emerson, he links this ancient stream of practical philosophy to the challenges of our tumultuous times. Many of these great teachers and leaders taught that spirit is tested in periods of apocalyptic — apocalypse stems from the Greek for “reveal or uncover” — and that wakefulness leads to transformation.

Self-Study Guided Writing Series

Waking Up With Emerson Part 1 Online Class Page Image
Ralph Waldo Emerson taught that originality, nonconformity, self-trust, and spiritual perspective are the keys to an awakened life. When you take the time to know yourself, he taught, you discover how interesting you actually are, and the vastness of your innate potential.
In this six-week Guided Writing Series, we examine Emerson’s extraordinary insights into flourishing on the path he called Self-Reliance. This visionary way of life combines the practical genius of the ancient Stoics with the soul-stirring beauty of Transcendentalism, the pioneering movement he helped to found for people seeking direct spiritual experience outside the bounds of churchly authority.
Emerson’s timeless wisdom is precisely the medicine we need today to help address our contemporary problems. His focus on authenticity, cooperation, truthfulness, and radical optimism make him a powerful teacher for our these difficult times, as you’ll experience in this timely new course.
Waking Up With Emerson Part 2 Online Class Page Image
In this six-week Guided Writing Series, we continue to examine Emerson’s extraordinary insights into flourishing on the path he called Self-Reliance. This visionary way of life combines the practical genius of the ancient Stoics with the soul-stirring beauty of Transcendentalism, the pioneering movement he helped to found for people seeking direct spiritual experience outside the bounds of churchly authority.
These six transformative lessons are designed to increase well-being and deepen your insight and connection to your inner voice.
Emerson’s timeless wisdom is precisely the medicine we need today to help address our contemporary problems. His focus on authenticity, cooperation, truthfulness, and radical optimism make him a powerful teacher for our these difficult times, as you’ll experience in this timely new course.

The Bright Side of Living:
How Optimism Changes Everything
A Six-Part Guided Writing Series

Are you tired of the cynicism and pessimism pervading the world today? Do you despair of the hopelessness and doomsday thinking that dominate these challenging times? Do you wonder why precious little attention is paid to what’s right in a world where so much has gone so terribly wrong?
In this paradigm-shifting series, you’ll explore optimism as a life-saving human trait that comes naturally when you practice insight. Optimism is a philosophical choice, in fact, that is available to every one of us when we open our eyes to our human potential, and the goodness of the people around us. This radical, uplifting way of seeing is the antidote to the catastrophic worldview so fashionable in these troubling times.

Become A Light Unto Yourself:
Writing to Awaken the Truth Within
A Seven-Part Guided Writing Series

Life is fragile, unpredictable, and heartbreaking, in addition to being a gift beyond measure. We find ourselves often in darkened corners, unable to locate the best path forward, or the truthful witness that exists within us, ready to light our way. In the confusion of everyday life, we long for pragmatic philosophical principles to guide us, a time-honored toolkit of wisdom lessons to cultivate insight, decrease suffering, and increase our level of happiness.
In this guided writing series, you’ll explore seven essential aspects of awakened living, as drawn from the ‘perennial philosophy’ at the heart of the world’s great spiritual traditions. These practical, experiential exercises are designed to reveal the guidance within you, the universal Self at your core. When you learn to access witness perspective, you become a light unto yourself, improving your life immeasurably.

“Mark Matousek is a masterful and loving guide: his wisdom teachings
and brilliantly conceived questions will enable you to open to life-changing truth.
You don’t need skill in writing to partake; all that’s required is the longing to awaken your heart.”

~Tara Brach, bestselling author of Radical Acceptance