When you tell the truth, your story changes.
When your story changes, your life is transformed.


    “Mark Matousek is a wise and caring guide. He opens
    the craft of writing as a way to dive into the art of self-reflection.”

    ~Mark Nepo


    “Brave, beautiful, and brilliantly observed.”

    (Starred Review)

    “Mark is a masterful and loving guide.”

    ~Tara Brach

    “One of the most generous-spirited presenters
    I have worked with anywhere.”

    ~Orianne Lee Johnston


    “Your creative life will never be the same!”

    ~Mickaela Grace


Explore your creativity and spiritual life with Mark’s series of Home Study Courses. With an array of topics that deepen insight, improve your craft, and foster personal development, these courses enable writers of all levels to hone their authentic voice using the Writing To Awaken method.

The Seekers Forum is an online community dedicated to the cultivation of self-awareness and spiritual awakening through dialogue, writing, and self-inquiry. Guided by Mark, The Seekers Forum is a wellspring for those seeking self-knowledge, insight, and the opportunity for group learning, sharing, and camaraderie. Since 2013, The Seekers Forum has been offering curated monthly programs on spiritual growth, personal development, healing, and creativity.

“Know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves,” said Socrates. Nothing could be more important.



Sunday, July 21, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Guided Writing Session

Suday, July 21, 2024
12 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

Sunday, July 28, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Guided Writing Session

Suday, July 28, 2024
12 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

Sunday, August 11, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Guided Writing Session

Suday, August 11, 2024
12 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

Sunday, August 18, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Guided Writing Session

Suday, August 18, 2024
12 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

Sunday, August 25, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Guided Writing Session

Suday, August 25, 2024
12 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

September 2, 2024
How to Stay Sane in Crazy Times:
Stoic Tools for Countering Fear and Anxiety
A Six-Week Online Writing Class

Tuesday, September 2, 2024
First Lesson Posted
Lessons Posted Each Monday

Sunday, September 8, 2024
The Seekers Forum Live Seekers Session
Eros and Thanatos: Longing, Risk, & Letting Go

Suday, September 8, 2024
5 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session

September 10, 2024
Journaling for Hope & Guidance:
The Power of Witnessing Your Life
A Four-Week Writing to Awaken Course with IAJW

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
5 pm Eastern
Live Zoom Session