A wonder+full experience!

“The Return to Wonder retreat at Borgo Gallinaio was an invitation personified from beginning to end. Mark’s outstanding facilitation consistently encouraged and helped the words grow and take on meaning. He also facilitated relationship among the participants, creating a caring and relaxed environment. In addition, David and Kellie extended an ongoing invitation with their continual care and exquisite celebratory dinners. And of course there was the setting, the villa and the grounds extended an invitation to explore, and revel in the beauty that surrounded us. A wonder+full experience!”

~ Mary Ann
This workshop has been the most important thing I’ve done for myself in ages.

“This workshop has been the most important thing I’ve done for myself in ages. The place was beautiful, magical, the food was so thoughtfully prepared, served and delicious, and most importantly the people inspired such love in me for them and myself. The sessions with Mark made me go deeper than ever. I loved the tours as well. Italy is just magical! This workshop is a MUST for a seeker. I came home a different person. I like her.”

~ Jimmie
He has been a touchstone for my writing process.

“Mark’s courses have been like having a personal writing companion, providing guidance and community as I traversed the long road from journaling, to writing, to finally publishing my spiritual memoir. His books and courses have been invaluable in writing my way through false narratives and worn out stories of myself, to simply reveal the tender love story of my heart’s awakening. He has been a touchstone for my writing process.”

Mark is one of the most skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable teachers I’ve ever known

Mark is one of the most skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable teachers I’ve ever known. His workshop often dredges up extremely strong feelings and emotions. It is powerful and potentially dangerous to allow people to tap so deeply into their respective souls. But Mark creates a thoroughly safe environment. He’s 100% present with every participant. Everyone feels heard, because they are. Everyone feels safe, because they are. And I can’t speak for everyone, but I felt transformed when I left, because I was. One last comment. There was virtually no visible trace of Mark’s ego during the workshop. He made it all about us and not one bit about him. Remarkable!

I can’t imagine how many souls Mark has affected in a positive way.

“First and foremost I have to tell you how much Mark’s workshop at Rowe meant to me. He was born to do this work. It was an incredible experience and in the future I hope to attend another of his workshops. I can’t imagine how many souls Mark has affected in a positive way, guiding gently with great care.”

I found the deep-seated universal message of my story.

“My gratitude to Mark Matousek’s commitment to the writing process as a road to healing. After a week in Tuscany, under his tutelage, I found the deep-seated universal message of my story. He is a mentor, coach and confidant to seekers who wordsmith.”

A very healing experience.

“Beyond the amazing opportunity of opening my writing channel in a safe environment, the workshop represented for me a unique and special chance to heal through deep self-inquiry. I was touched by Mark’s absolute presence and deep care for all and each of the participants. Totally recommended!”

It was the feeling of freedom that had eluded me for the past 35 years.

“Mark created and held a space for us was that was soulful and liberating. He gave us the permission to bring our best and the group thrived. At the end of our time Mark said that I looked different, and I can tell you that I felt different. It was the feeling of freedom that had eluded me for the past 35 years. I 100% recommend Mark’s course for everyone – you’ll be surprised! I was.”

I feel like I made a big breakthrough.

“Mark’s workshop at Esalen was the most eye-opening experience I’ve had to date. I feel like I made a big breakthrough, and it’s all thanks to Mark and his workshop. Highly highly recommend.”

A magnificent teacher and guide.

“Mark guided an initial group of seekers – strangers along individual paths – through a week of rigorous inquiries, thoughtful sequencing, generous openness, and compassionate questioning with knowledge and humility. He is a magnificent teacher and guide. Thank you Mark for the work you have done and the desire to share what you have and are discovering.”

Your creative life will never be the same!”

“My time with Mark Matousek in France was adventurous, joyful, regenerative, and truly life altering. I found that his gift for offering invaluable insight, targeted writing prompts, bold and blunt life strategy, as well as time for personal reflection to be on par with a wise sage or awakened life coach. He makes a profound, pure-hearted, and honest connection with each student and although I had an incredible experience with his online course, his magic shines even brighter when traveling abroad with him. Travel with him to the absolute edge of your best self and I promise that your creative life will never be the same!”

One of the most generous-spirited presenters I have worked with anywhere.

“I found that Mark’s Buddhist-inspired loving presence creates a safe space for people to delve into the most meaningful, often surprising, stories of our lives and bring them onto the written page. He is deeply attentive to each person, unconditionally accepting, and reflects back the value in your personal story.”

~Oriane Lee
Mark Matousek is an insightful, compelling and incisive teacher.

“Mark Matousek is an insightful, compelling and incisive teacher – truthful, direct, compelling, open, and compassionate. He takes students on a provocative journey to places we need to go if we are to live and create from our deepest selves. His deeply spiritual center and his generosity of spirit combine to make his being, his writings and his teaching magical transformative experiences.”

Mark’s writing instruction is transformative.

“His classes will change the ways in which you examine your life, and how you think about yourself as a writer. He approaches your work with a deep sense of empathy, allowing him to help you tell your story in your voice. Mark’s insight, imagination, and precise instruction will push your writing in incredible directions, both creatively and technically. Mark not only recognized that I had the makings of a book when I brought him my idea for Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties, but his mentorship at every step of the process empowered me to bring the project to fruition. No matter what stage of the process you are at, time spent with Mark will yield extraordinary results.”

Creates a perfect safe zone for self-exploration through writing.

“Before attending Mark’s Writing to Awaken workshop, I had an issue that was creating some anxiety in my life. Through his teaching and guiding our class in writing exercises, I was able to approach my concern from various angles and view it with more clarity and compassion. His experience and ability as a facilitator creates a perfect safe zone for self-exploration through writing. I highly recommend this workshop.”

I certainly plan to attend many more.

“Mark’s insight is remarkable, his capacity to listen deeply with understanding, is the quality I most valued. Many times his perception was indeed a revelation for me personally. This course certainly awakened in me the vision to write my story, the encouragement and belief in my writing to instill the discipline to take this journey to completion of a book. Any of Mark’s courses would be of great value and I certainly plan to attend many more.”

A remarkable man and a great teacher.

“I never thought I was a writer nor did I even attempt writing until a friend kept at me to take Mark’s workshops. Being a stubborn person who resists before plunging into anything challenging that ends up being just what I needed, I resisted for some time. Thank goodness I finally took the plunge. The workshops have been transformative for me. I found myself delving deeply into aspects of my life and digging up memories I thought were long gone. As a result, I believe that I have become a more open person and a better friend, not to mention a good writer. I am forever grateful to Mark for his time, his insights, his ability to put his finger on each person’s pulse in such a way that we all learn not only from him but from each other. He is truly a remarkable man and a great teacher.”

My heart is full.

“How can I express what this wonderful retreat meant to me in just a few words? lt was Fabulous, soul stirring work rest and play, intense but gentle, supportive, funny, sad, thought provoking, eye opening heart-warming. I loved the way we all interacted and gelled as a group. The meditation was a gorgeous start to each day, and individual time with Mark was so supportive a launch pad for the discipline I now intend to bring to my writing life. This retreat has changed my focus – and therefore my life – and I am deeply grateful.”

The most profound experiences I ever had.

“The online class and live retreat that I took with Mark are two of the most profound experiences I ever had. Mark’s strong leadership and sensitivity provide a safe environment for one to write and share life stories. Writing exercises, along with intuitive questions and personal feedback, have revealed my inner sense of wholeness. I am deeply grateful for this gift.”

Thank you for guiding me through this truly life changing experience.

“Mark’s workshop was remarkable on several levels starting with his gentle introduction to self discovery through writing. We were a group of strangers, some of whom were skeptics some of whom were sad some of whom were angry and confused but all of whom were looking for enlightenment. We found our bliss individually through sequentially planned steps designed by Mark to lead us in sharing our stories in words both written and spoken. This was a powerful exercise exceeding my expectations and it worked for us collectively and individually only because Mark was a patient, humorous and spiritually connected teacher. Never would I have considered “emotion” as a vehicle for expressing my core truths but there I was on Sunday morning choking up as I read my own definition of “Pure Love”. Thank you Mark Matousek for guiding me through this, truly a life changing experience.”

A week of writing and bonding I’ll never forget.

“The writing course I took this past summer with Mark Matousek was an amazing journey into the soul of each of the 10 women, and one man, who took it. We found we were able to trust each other, thanks in large part to Mark’s empathy and direction, and did some incredible writing. At times there wasn’t a dry eye in the room, but that was testimony to the “writing down the bone” as well as the love and support that existed from the very beginning. I can’t over-emphasize what an incredible experience it was…a week of writing and bonding I’ll never forget.”

Mark, thank you for the immense gift of your online course!

“Mark, thank you for the immense gift of your online course! It was truly a unique journey which seemed to run parallel to the lived events of that moment in my life. The safe and inspired place you fostered for me (and our group) enabled me to delve into the deepest corners of my personal story and emerge with something new to share with the world.”

A life-changing experience.

“Anyone taking an online class with Mark Matousek is in for a rare treat, and most likely a life-changing experience. Mark always plans thought-provoking writing exercises that tap into the deepest part of yourself. Through his keen insight, perspective and kind responses to the students’ writing he offers feedback that help students focus on and realize their inner truth. This is the fifth class I’ve taken with Mark, and I hope to take many more.”

My writing improved beyond measure.

“Mark’s weeklong workshop was amazing. He served as catalyst for a group dynamic that allowed each of us to reach new levels of expression as we delved into the unexplored parts of ourselves. My writing improved beyond measure.”

Mark is more of a midwife than a teacher.

“In addition to his innate grasp of and experience with storytelling, what makes Mark so great to work with is his very present presence – it’s what allows me to access what I’ve got to share. I’ve been meeting regularly with him for the past six months for help on the story I am writing and the process is so enjoyable I’d rather it not end.”

Mark asks the right questions to inspire the imagination.

“Mark has been the good spirit of my book project ever since I started it. He has a fine intuition for the potential of students and topics, he asks the right questions to inspire the imagination, and his support and encouragement are great to have in times when the writing gets difficult.”

Anybody can find a safe place to start.

“When you spend your days using words to craft pithy headlines for clients, creating personal writing that comes from the heart is unfamiliar territory. Mark’s unique blend of compassion and confrontation creates a space where anybody who has a story to share can find a safe place to start.”

Reach beyond your comfort zone.

“Simply put –- if you’re looking to make a change, reach beyond your comfort zone and see the world and your life through fresh eyes – take a seminar with Mark Matousek who is a truly great teacher as well as a great writer.”

~Mary Jo
His personal insights gave me the tools I needed.

“Mark is an incredibly gifted and intuitive teacher, guide and mentor. His knowledge of memoir writing, as well as his personal insights gave me the tools I needed to start writing my memoir and explore different sides to my story that have been transformational. I highly recommend Mark to anyone looking to build their writing skills, develop themselves and gain greater self-awareness through writing.”

I ended up refining and redirecting my life as well.

“I took Mark’s class because I wanted to refine and redirect my writing a bit. I ended up refining and redirecting my life as well. He has a gift for not only helping writers find their most authentic writing voice, but their most authentic voice period.”

Mark’s direction unlocked many mysteries.

“Mark started our first class with the words; “You’re all here for a reason, even though you may not know what that reason is.” Over the course of just a handful of short sessions, I’ve come to realize that not only was I there for a reason, but that this reason was more important to my well being and self understanding than I could have possibly fathomed when I first signed on for this class. Mark’s illuminating assignments, poignant feedback, and seasoned direction within the group setting unlocked many mysteries that had been buried within my psyche. The introspection that resulted was sometimes scary, sometimes difficult, and many times astounding — just what I needed and more. I am deeply grateful for the experience.”

Mark’s style of teaching creates a safe environment.

“I am a writing professor at Manhattanville College who had the privilege of taking Mark Matousek’s writing class this past summer. Mark’s style of teaching creates a safe environment that has a unique way of opening his students up to their inner emotions, thus revealing the hidden writer yearning to be released. I do not have enough words to express the enjoyment, the empowerment and the education that I gained by learning from Mark Matousek. I not only learned about my writing from Mark, but I also learned about myself. I am eternally grateful.”

The single most inspiring quest of my life.

“Nuts and Bolts was, without a doubt, the single most inspiring quest of my life. I was honored to be a part of the whole experience. Mark, your insight is stunning and revelatory. Your honesty and compassion, steadfast. You are a Sage. A diamond in your profession.”

Mark inspired transformation in my novel.

“Mark has a knack for zeroing in on an issue and illuminating it while still allowing you to maintain your voice. He consistently challenges me to improve my writing on multiple levels. It’s holistic coaching that is honest, actionable and brilliant. Also, his extensive experience in the industry allows him to approach a writing project from multiple perspectives, offering expert guidance while still allowing the student to feel free. He inspired transformation in my novel.”

I’ve rarely met such a natural teacher.

“Mark Matousek is a truly gifted writing coach. With an interviewer’s ear, he listens deeply and hears what people have to say. With the determination of a midwife, he helps them give birth to themselves, through their words. As my ‘book whisperer’, he is showing me that writing is truly a spiritual path, leading not only to publication, but personal transformation. I’ve been a lecturing in a University classroom for over two decades, and I’ve rarely met such a natural teacher. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from him!”
