“Those who do not have power over the story that dominates their lives, the power to re-tell it, re-think it … joke about it and change it as times change — truly are powerless because they cannot think new thoughts.”

~Salman Rushdie

Writing is an unparalleled tool for examining the stories that shape your life. These narratives create the lens through which you view yourself and the world. Often born of pain and wounding, these stories can have harmful effects on your ability to live a meaningful and happy life.
When you question these core narratives, you come to see that experience is framed by personal choice and that these stories do not define you.
In this eight-week Guided Writing Series, you will gain insight into this story-making process using Mark’s powerful method of self-inquiry, Writing to Awaken. You will explore questions that prompt healing of body, mind, and spirit. You will learn to re-think, re-see, and re-tell these stories in order to loosen the grip they hold over your life.
You will learn the you are the storyteller not the story. This recognition is a quantum leap in self-realization. Creativity, spirituality, and authenticity are automatically enhanced as old fictions fall away. This enables you to make clearer choices, release old pain, and move forward with renewed vitality.
Wholeness and healing are one and the same — and both are within your grasp. Writing to Heal will change how you see your life and the stories you tell about who you are.

“Mark Matousek opens the craft of writing as a way to dive into the art of self-reflection. Writing to Awaken will restore meaning and change your life.”

~Mark Nepo, NY Times bestselling author and teacher.

Learn tools to help you reframe the stories that prevent you from reaching your full potential.

Writing to Heal is an opportunity to: 

~Explore your core myth(s) from a wisdom perspective
~Identify concealed truths within the “authorized version” of who you are
~Learn the language of emotion through writing
~Transcend the shame and dread of self-disclosure
~Increase imagination and resilience in adverse conditions
~Appreciate your authentic desires as well as the fears that block them.
~Deepen personal authenticity, meaning, and purpose.
~Dissolve obstacles to intimacy and human connection.
~Strengthen spiritual awareness and self-understanding
Known for his intuitive, compassionate teaching, Mark creates a welcoming atmosphere for writers of all levels to benefit from this powerful work. You are not required to share you writing in this class. For those interested in interacting with their classmates, participants are invited to choose a writing buddy, post their writing and respond to others on the group page.
Scientific studies have shown that a regular writing practice has the ability to improve physical, mental, and emotional health in dramatic ways. Writing to Awaken has helped thousands of people around the world to reach their creative and spiritual goals. No writing experience is necessary. Curiosity, courage, and the willingness to question your personal narratives are all you need to benefit from these inspiring, supportive class.
Mark describes the power of writing to heal in this essay from The Saturday Evening Post.

Session Overview

Session One: The Wound and the Gift – April 8
In this first session, we explore the paradox of wounding and initiation, why adversity can enrich the soul, and how our most daunting challenges often connect to our highest purpose.
Session Two: Your Healing Story – April 15
Turning pain into insight requires that we question our core narratives. In this session, we examine key stories that shape us and the accuracy of these interpretations today.
Session Three: Belong to Love – April 22
When you know what you love, you know who you are. We focus in this session on the heart’s affections, including the tangles, breakage, and pain. Connecting to life through love rather than judgment enables the heart to heal.
Session Four: Dissolving Shame – April 29
Shame is a universally destructive emotion, inextricably bound to the ego-self. Unlike appropriate guilt, which can serve positive growth, shame serves no purpose and corrodes well-being. When you exercise self-compassion, shame dissolves of its own accord.
Session Five: The End of Self-Pity – May 6
In this session, we explore the negative impact of self-pity. As a narrative add-on, a misinterpretation, self-pity turns pain into suffering. You no longer see yourself as a victim of circumstance.
Session Six: The Obstacle Is the Way – May 13
Problems often contain their own solutions. Healing is paradoxical. In this session, we examine the answers that may be hiding within the questions impacting your life, and how challenges give you precisely the strength you need to overcome them.
Session Seven: Creative Fruition – May 20
What does creative fulfillment mean to you? Being a good parent, friend, or partner? Building a business, making a scrapbook, creating art, dancing, or nurturing a home? Healing comes from expressing outwardly what is inside you and what you can offer the world.
Session Eight: The Wind That Blows Through Me – May 27
“Not I, not I, but the wind that blows through me,” wrote D.H. Lawrence, describing the spiritual element that gives existence its motion and meaning. In this final session, we’ll look at the transformational power of letting Nature move you forward, without getting in your own way.

How the Guided Writing Series Works

Each live session meets on Thursday at 5 pm Eastern on the Zoom platform which is accessible from your computer, smart phone or tablet. Dial-in options are also available for those who don’t want to use video.
Each session is 90 minutes and consists of Mark’s lesson, two writing prompts with sharing, discussion, and Q&A after each exercise. You are not required to participate in the group dialog. Anonymity is respected. The session playback links are emailed to all registrants the following day with additional writing prompts for further exploration. The Zoom Meeting access details are emailed the day prior to and one hour before the start of each session.
For those who register for the complete series, there will be a Google Group for posting any writing you want to share with the class. Using Google Groups allows the class to read, comment and support each other’s work in a positive and nurturing environment. We will contact you a few days before the first class for setup in the Group. Participation in the Google Group is not mandatory.

“Beyond the amazing opportunity of opening my writing channel in a safe environment, the workshop represented for me a unique and special chance to heal through deep self-inquiry. I was touched by Mark’s absolute presence and deep care for all and each of the participants. Totally recommended!”

~ Diego, USA

With Spring around the corner, this course is an ideal opportunity to focus on empowerment and new beginnings in this time of great change.


Individual Sessions: $25

Each lesson explores a different theme and can be taken individually.
Choose the themes that interest you and fit into your schedule.
Individual sessions can be purchased up to 30 minutes before the start time.
All Classes Begin at 5:00 PM EST/ 2:00 pm PST
UK 22:00 GMT/ Australia 7:00 AM +1 AEST
Sessions are recorded and the playback links are emailed to participants the following day.
Week Six: The Obstacle is the Way
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Week Seven: Creative Fruition
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Week Eight: The Wind That Blows Through Me
Thursday, May 27, 2021


“Mark’s illuminating assignments, poignant feedback, and seasoned direction unlocked many mysteries that had been buried within my psyche. The introspection that resulted was sometimes scary, sometimes difficult, and many time astounding — just what I needed and more. I am deeply grateful for the experience.”
~Brian, USA
“I never thought I was a writer until a friend kept at me to take Mark’s workshops. Thank goodness I finally took the plunge. The workshops have been transformative for me, delving deeply into aspects of my life and digging up memories I thought were long gone. I am forever grateful to Mark for his time, his insights, his ability to put his finger on each person’s pulse in such a way that we all learn not only from him but from each other.”
~Philippa, USA