Session Overview
Session One: Originality
Character is Everything
In this first session, we look at self-trust as the foundation of originality. To be fully ourselves, we must understand the Law of Compensation and why we must honor our unique qualities, including aspects of the psychological shadow. Character is a mixed bag of motley ingredients. Insight helps you integrate them into a more harmonious whole, as you learn in this opening lesson.
Session Two: Perspective
You Are How You See
Emerson echoed the perennial insight that we create our world through our ‘angle of vision’. Until you understand how you see, you cannot know yourself. In this second session, we examine the idiosyncrasies of personal perspective, including implicit bias, cultural conditioning, and obsolete stories that limit how you view yourself and the world. “People only see what they are prepared to see,” Emerson taught. Till you question your capacity for fresh insights, and ability to let in new information, you cannot ellicit new behaviors.
Session Three: Nonconformity
Build Your Own World
In this third session, we focus on nonconformity as an essential element of authentic living. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” he tells us. Attempts to be good are often misguided and lead to hypocrisy and virtue-signaling. Conforming to external standards of goodness is an obstacle to Self-reliance.
Session Four: Contradiction
Everything is Double
Our lives are ruled by paradox and contradiction. Until you learn to make peace with your inconsistencies, imperfections, and irreconcilable doubleness, you’re unlikely to be happy inside your own skin. This fourth session explores resistance to integrating our two-sided nature. “Every sweet has its sour; every evil its good.” Qualities you consider opposites may be complementary and necessary to your inner balance.
Session Five: Resilience
Without Confidence, the Universe Is Against You
This week, we consider confidence as a component of resilience and the relationship between self-belief and manifesting desired intentions. Emerson taught that confidence is connected to faith; not faith in God, necessarily, but trust in the power of life itself and her uncontrollable mysteries. Surrendering to forces beyond your reach, you increase confidence, resilience, and humility. “A great person is always willing to be little,” according to Emerson. This paradox is also empowering.
Session Six: Vitality
A Stream of Power Flows Through You
In this final session, we look at the quality of aliveness and how to increase it in daily life. Each individual is the “conductor of a whole stream of electricity,” and learning how to optimize that energy flow is essential to a better life. Vitality depends first and foremost on attention – your most precious personal resource. At a time when attention spans are shrinking – and compulsive distraction is on the rise – it’s imperative to reclaim this vital energy on the path of insight.