Are you frozen before the blank page?
Full of great ideas that you can’t express?
The thought of writing makes you anxious, apathetic or even depressed.
Writer’s block is a debilitating condition that many new and seasoned writers struggle with on a daily basis. But have you taken the time to investigate the fears, beliefs, and insecurities that prevent you from creative freedom?
Best-selling author and educator, Mark Matousek, has created this transformative Self-Study Course to help you identify and neutralize the sabotaging voices that can wreak havoc in a writer’s mind. In Writing Through Fear, you’ll confront your internal struggles one by one.
From fear of the blank page to confusion over process and completion, the information in these six in-depth lessons will help shift your relationship to writing — from resistance to reward and paralysis to completion.
The insights gained from this powerful course will serve you through your continued writing practice.
“Making sense of our lives through reflective writing is a research-established way of cultivating well-being in your life. As a scientist and clinician, I find Mark Matousek’s reflections and life-changing insights to be filled with timeless wisdom and practical advice.”
~Daniel J. Siegel, MD
Best-selling author, clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine, founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center
Writing Through Fear is a multimedia independent study course.
Each original lesson is available in audio and PDF formats. Also included is a video overview of the course along with a video introduction to Mark’s Writing to Awaken method. All files can be accessed through the website after purchase and downloaded to a phone, tablet, or computer.
Lesson One: The First Step – Beginnings are the often the scariest part of the creative process, stopping writers in their tracks, till they learn to choose a “point of departure.”
Lesson Two: Momentum – Regularity is critical to the writing process and helps you to keep fear at bay. By maintaining structure in your writing life, you empower your muse and generate confidence.
Lesson Three: The Elements of Style – No two writers are identical in temperament, taste, or proclivity. Coming to know your nature as a writer is the surest path to mastery.
Lesson Four: Approach and Avoidance – Discipline is a nemesis for many writers, but what if you can make it your ally, a reliable helper on the path to self-expression?
Lesson Five: Finishing the Hat – Completion is an art unto itself. Until you confront the fear of completion, however, your best ideas are likely to go unrealized.
Lesson Six: What Makes the Engine Go? – Desire is the fuel that empowers writers. When you tap into this vital source, you realize that fear is no match for the desire to write.
“While doing these lessons, memories and insights percolated to the surface, inviting me to consider myself and my story in new ways. If fears represent opportunities, then writing about myself is a big opportunity for me! It has a transformative effect. I’m excited to consider where this avenue is going to lead now that I have completed this course.”
~Lindsey, Canada
Full of rich wisdom teachings and practical tools for overcoming the distress of the blank page, Writing Through Fear will introduce you to a variety of techniques for self-exploration, personal growth, steadfastness, and tapping into your authentic voice. Mark’s Writing To Awaken method has helped thousands of people around the world to dissolve their creative resistance and meet their writing goals.
Self-Study Course Price: $229
Receiving Your Course
After purchase, you will receive two emails:
1. A payment receipt
2. A second email containing the link and password to the
course lessons and videos. You can access the Course Content Page at any time using the link and password provided.