Week One: The Journey Begins
In this first lesson, you’ll examine the catalysts to awakening in your life, the original wounds, confusions, and losses, that motivated you to know yourself.
Week Two: Temperament
In coming to know herself, everyone must confront her own temperament. In this week’s lesson, we’ll explore the contours of the self, – your unique, indelible qualities – and how they affect your daily experience.
Week Three: Wheat From Chaff
Discernment is the focus of our third week: the crucial ability to separate the true from the false, and the authentic from the bogus, within ourselves and others.
Week Four: Dancing with the Shadow
Authenticity depends on integrating the psychological shadow (including the Golden Shadow) as this week’s lesson will demonstrate. Tolerating your own checkered character is a prerequisite to wisdom.
Week Five: Dissolving Shame
Shame decreases as self-knowledge increases. In this week’s lesson, you’ll learn to dissolve shame through inquiry. Until you separate from the ‘pain story’, shame is likely to block your path of self-discovery.
Week Six: Landscape of Desire
Desire fuels the adventure of self-realization. In this penultimate lesson, you’ll focus on how to optimize the power of eros, the creative, animating power that motivates your journey to freedom, and keeps you hungry for growth.
Week Seven: Liberation
In this final week, you’ll look at the prospect of freedom in daily life, and what it would take for you to feel free. You’ll explore how regret, rumination, and retrospection interfere with presence and well-being.