WYFD Image - AudibleHallelujah!  Our first line of audio products is finally on sale on iTunes and Audible.  The audio versions of “When You’re Falling, Dive” and “Sex Death Enlightenment” are on sale on iTunes and Audible. It’s so strange to go back and read a book out loud that you wrote almost 20 years ago. You don’t recognize parts of that immature writer (who wrote such embarrassing things!) and it also makes you see how much you’ve changed. 

SDE Image - Audible

Also, my first podcasts are now available on iTunes and will be coming soon to Audible.   I’m excited to be putting out spoken word material. This is a whole new arena for me after decades of typing.  The series (Open Book Podcasts) will feature interviews with authors, artists, and thinkers, as well as dharma-esque talks on creativity, self-inquiry, and personal development.  I hope you enjoy them, and if there’s a subject especially dear to your heart that you’d like me to cover, I welcome ideas and suggestions. Leave me a reply!